Welcome to Exceptional Care

Personalized | Preferred | Prompt

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Our Advantages

Personalized | Preferred | Prompt

Our small practice size allows us to provide individual attention and longer office visits in a relaxed setting.  Should you need to be seen by a specialist, Dr Brown will remain an active part of your healthcare experience.

“Quality healthcare is a team effort that always puts the patient first.”
Hal W. Brown, MD
Board Certified Family Medicine
Primary Concierge Vero, Dr. Hal Brown

Prevention & Primary Care

Go Hand-in-Hand

As a primary care office, we can handle a variety of health concerns – from general medical questions to acute illnesses.

While we emphasize education and prevention during regular checkups, sometimes urgent issues do arise. With same-day or next-day appointments, potential issues can be found quickly and addressed early, helping to prevent trips to the ER and hospitalizations.

Exceptional Care for an Annual Membership Fee

​Our membership model allows you to access services provided by Dr. Brown with no additional charges or copays.